Wir freuen uns sehr, euch mit „La La Los Angeles“ von The Coathangers die dritte Singleauskopplung plus Video aus dem finalen Kapitel des Jeffrey Lee Pierce Sessions Project präsentieren zu können.
Das Garage-Punk-Trio ist zum ersten Mal Teil des Jeffrey Lee Pierce Sessions Project. Cypress Grove, seines Zeichens Initiator der Projektes, endeckte die All Female Band aus Atlanta als ihm ein Video zugespielt wurde, in dem The Coathangers den Gun Club-Klassiker ‚Sex Beat‚ neu interpretierten:„I immediately loved the energy of the band, and they seemed like an obvious candidate for volume four. So I went to see them when they played in London. I spoke to them afterwards and showed them the previous volumes. They were immediately intrigued and seemed particularly keen on the idea of writing music to an unused Jeffrey lyric. Even though the band are from Atlanta, La La Los Angeles seemed a good fit for them and their music” sagt Cypress.
2006 gegründet, bestehen The Coathangers aus Sängerin und Gitarristin Julia Kugel, Bassistin Meredith Franco und Sängerin und Schlagzeugerin Stephanie Luke. Die Band hat bis heute eine Reihe von Singles und EPs, sowie sechs Alben veröffentlicht. Auf „The Task Has Overwhelmed Us“ interpretieren sie den Song „La La Los Angeles“ auf ihre ganz eigene Art und Weise.“When we met Cypress Grove all those years ago in London and he suggested that we work on this project, we were all over the moon with excitement. Having been huge fans of Gun Club for years, the chance to collaborate with Jeffrey Lee Pierce was an opportunity of a lifetime. When we received the type written lyrics and brought them into the practice space, it was a truly magical, emotional moment. Humbled and in awe, we worked out a tune that felt bent in the right direction by the auteur himself. He was in the room and he was steering the ship. It is an honor and a great privilege to be able to put the cutting, clever lyrics to music and we hope we did them justice. The experience was so incredibly special and precious. Grateful to have been entrusted with such an opportunity. Appropriately ‘La La Los Angeles’ was recorded in Los Angeles by Nic Jodoin in what would be the beginning of our recording journey in the city of angels- as we set off writing & recording our next two records in L.A.”.The Jeffrey Lee Pierce Sessions Project „The Task Has Overwhelmed Us“ erscheint am 29. September als 2-LP, limitierte 2-LP, CD und Digital auf Glitterhouse Records. Neben The Coathangers wirkten hier Dave Gahan, Nick Cave, Debbie Harry, Mark Lanegan, Warren Ellis, Mick Harvey, Lydia Lunch, Suzie Stapleton, Duke Garwood und viele weitere großartige Künstler:innen mit. Hier vorbestellen: https://linktr.ee/jlpsessionsproject